Tuesday, July 1, 2014
The Surprising Leading Contributor to Pollution: Agriculture
July 01, 2014
Visit the Mercola Video Library
Story at-a-glance
- The modern agricultural system is responsible for putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the actual burning of fossil fuels
- One important factor that some experts believe is KEY for reversing environmental devastation is to return to system of cattle grazing
- A new methodology to measure carbon sequestration on sustainably managed grasslands has recently been granted international certification, which may encourage farmers to embrace sustainable grazing methods
- Returning to more sustainable organic farming methods is also necessary in order to support the regeneration of soils, which, ultimately, dictates how nutritious the food grown in it will be
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has called for the European Union to ease restrictions on GE foods, and to reconsider labeling requirements for GE foods, in order to come to an agreeable trans-Atlantic trade pact
By Dr. Mercola
Did you know that the modern agricultural system is responsible for putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the actual burning of fossil fuels? Understanding this reveals an obvious answer to pressing global problems.There are only three places for carbon to go: land, air, and water. Our agricultural practices have removed massive amounts of valuable carbon from land, transferring it into air and water. Carbon management is critically important regardless of one's views of climate change.By paying greater attention to carbon management, we have the opportunity to make a dramatic difference in this area, which is having major negative consequences to our agriculture, our air, and our oceans, lakes, streams and rivers.One important factor that some experts believe is KEY for reversing environmental devastation like desertification, which is when land turns to desert, is to return much of our land to grasslands and build a network of herbivore economics.There is no better way to improve the conditions for animals, solve the carbon problem, bring more revenue to farmers, and improve our health by purchasing nutritious foods from properly pastured animals - vs the horrible CAFO model based on the monocultures of corn and soy fed to the animals in questionable conditions in which they are proactively fed antibiotics to make them fat and keep them alive in such atrocious conditions.Returning to more sustainable organic farming methods is also necessary in order to support the regeneration of soils which, ultimately, dictates how nutritious the food grown in it will be.The featured video of Vandana Shiva, recorded at a Food Otherwise conference in the Netherlands earlier this year, does a magnificent job of putting modern agriculture into proper perspective.In order to make food production sustainable, we have to join forces to keep genetically engineered monoculture and pesticide resistant or pesticide producing crops at bay. This is surely not an easy task in light of the financial (and hence political) clout wielded by the chemical technology industry. And yet we must embrace that challenge.The easiest thing that anyone can do is to simply stop buying processed foods (including organic traitor brands, which are actually owned by multi-national processed food giants).
The Importance of Grazing Cattle
By mimicking the natural behavior of migratory herds of wild grazing animals—meaning allowing livestock to graze freely, and moving the herd around in specific patterns—farmers can support nature's efforts to regenerate and thrive.This kind of land management system promotes the reduction of atmospheric CO2 by sequestering it back into the soil where it can do a lot of good. Once in the earth, the CO2 can be safely stored for hundreds of years, and adds to the soil's fertility. As noted in the featured blog post by The Carbon Pilgrim:1"It's more complicated than that, of course. But here's the really exciting part: if land that is bare, degraded, tilled, or monocropped can be restored to a healthy condition, with properly functioning carbon, water, mineral, and nutrient cycles, and covered year-round with a diversity of green plants with deep roots, then the added amount of atmospheric CO2 that can be stored in the soil is potentially high.Globally... soils contain about three times the amount of carbon that's stored in vegetation and twice the amount stored in the atmosphere. Since two-thirds of the earth's land mass is grassland, additional CO2 storage in the soil via better management practices, even on a small scale, could have a huge impact."The thing is, while carbon is important for optimal soil health (carbon is the main component of soil organic matter), too much carbon in the air is detrimental.As described in the featured article, the natural carbon cycle has broken down; due to modern agricultural methods, we've lost between 50 and 80 percent of the carbon that used to be in the soil, so there's plenty of "room" to put it back in.This is also why ethanol subsidies are so disastrous. While claiming to be a 'green' fuel - what has actually happened is millions of acres of grasslands and forests have been destroyed to make room for more corn. Our tax dollars have been used to destroy the environment and create this dangerous imbalance for the sake of these pesticide producing, life patenting, GMO dealers. Unfortunately, this fabrication has of corn as a 'green' fuel had done exactly the opposite and greatly accelerated the damage we were told would be part of the solution.Senator Dick Durbin has been one of the most vocal GMO ethanol subsidy supporters, and Hillary Clinton has joined Kansas congressman Mike Pompeo in the cheerleading for biotech companies.The good news is that we don't need to invent yet another chemical or a new piece of farm equipment to solve this problem. We simply need to revert back to a system that works with nature rather than against it. And this involves grazing cattle. My previous article discussing the work of ecologist Allan Savory goes into this process in greater detail.Besides the environmental benefits, grass-fed, pastured livestock is also an excellent source of high-quality meat. In fact, it's the only type of meat I recommend eating, as raising cattle in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) alters the nutritional composition of the meat—not to mention such animals are fed antibiotics, growth promoters and other veterinary drugs.
New Land Management Methodology Wins International Certification
Fortunately, there's good news on this front. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with the Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science (CAAS), the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), and China's Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology (NWIPB), have developed a new methodology to measure carbon sequestration on sustainably managed grasslands.The method, which involves sampling soil and/or using computer modeling based on soil types and farming activities, has now gained international certification. This will hopefully encourage more farmers to embrace sustainable grazing methods, which will help restore degraded soils, and reduce atmospheric CO2 levels. According to the FAO:2"Tested over the past several years using field data from a project site in Northern China and computer modeling, the methodology has now won approval by the non-profit Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), a voluntary greenhouse gas accounting program used by projects around the world to verify and issue carbon credits in voluntary emissions markets.According to findings from the case study in Northern China, herders could sequester an average of 3 tCO2 per hectare of grassland each year over the next 20 years, through the application of improved practices, such as reduction and rotation of grazing pressure on overstocked sites and the sowing of improved pastures and fodder crops close to households."
EPA Faked Science of Sewage Sludge Safety, Whistleblower Contends
Clearly, the harm inflicted by modern chemical-based monoculture doesn't end with its detrimental impact on soil health and atmospheric CO2 levels. The chemicals used are a significant threat to both nature and man. What's worse is that there's little scientific backing for our current chemical-based methods. As just one of many examples, former EPA employee and whistleblower David Lewis, PhD3 claims that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) actually faked science to uphold the status quo of using sewage sludge as fertilizer.While still an employee of the EPA, Dr. Lewis published evidence showing that a teenager living in New Hampshire died as a result of living near land where sewage sludge was applied. He also provided evidence showing that cows at two Georgia farms were poisoned as a result of grazing on sludged land. He later wrote a book on the subject, called Science for Sale. He contends that multiple agencies, including the EPA and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) engaged in a coordinated scheme to "misleadingly present sewage sludge as scientifically safe."The deception revolves around the issue of whether the toxins found in the sludge are rendered non-bioavailable. According to the EPA, there are "unique properties" in the sludge matrix that prevent harmful toxins from being taken up by plants, animals, and humans. These properties, the EPA claims, sequester metals and other toxins, thereby rendering them harmless.According to Dr. Lewis, this is patently false. So what are some of the toxins in question, that the EPA claims cannot harm you when applied in the form of sewage sludge to farms, forests, parks, school playgrounds, and gardens? Independent Science News4 reports:"According to a recent EPA survey,5 biosolids contain a wide range of mutagenic and neurotoxic chemicals, which are present at a million-fold higher concentrations (ppm versus ppt) compared with their levels in polluted air and water.Biosolids contain all of the lipophilic (fat-soluble) chemical wastes that once polluted our rivers and lakes, but which now settle out at sewage treatment plants and become concentrated in sewage sludges. Most biosolids contain ppm concentrations of heavy metals, including chromium, lead, and mercury.They contain similarly high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and semi-volatiles, such as bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate, Benzo(a)pyrene), and polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners (PBDE flame retardants). Most biosolids also contain pathogenic agents and ppm levels of many common drugs, including ciprofloxacin (Cipro), carbamazepine (Tegretol, Equetro), and fluoxetine (Prozac)."
Monsanto Calls for Europe to Accept GMOs
No discussion on the hazards of modern agriculture can be complete without mentioning genetically engineered (GE) crops. Four years ago, US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks6 showed the US government conspired to find ways to retaliate against Europe for refusing to use GE seeds, mainly by engaging in aggressive trade wars against reluctant nations.Earlier this month, this action plan seems to have played out when Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack again called for the European Union (EU) to ease restrictions on GE foods and feed crops in order to come to an agreeable trans-Atlantic trade pact. Moreover, as reported in the New York Times:7"'Europe should also reconsider requirements to label genetically modified foods,' said Mr. Vilsack, who added that consumers could use smartphones to scan packaging to check the contents."The European Union (EU) has historically taken a strict, cautious stance regarding GE crops, much to the chagrin of Monsanto and in stark contrast to the United States. Hopefully, the EU will not falter now—especially with regards to removing GMOlabeling!
GMO Push Intensifies in India with Indian Intelligence Being Seemingly Enlisted
As Henry Kissinger once said, "Food is a weapon," and never has this statement been more descriptively accurate than when applied to GE patented seeds and foods. Who ever imagined that one day people all over the world would have to fight for "seed freedom"? Yet that's exactly what we have to do today.The reason why there's such heated controversy over the allowance of GE crops is due to their many health dangers, and the fact that their genes are capable of "horizontal transfer" to non-GE plants, which means you cannot contain them. They absolutely WILL contaminate their conventional and organic counterparts, so one day soon there may be no such thing as "GE-free," because everything will be contaminated.The "seed freedom movement" has perhaps no greater voice than Vandana Shiva, who in the video above and in a recent article expressed her dismay over the biotech lobby's latest efforts to stifle movements for seed and food sovereignty in countries like India:8"Intelligence agencies are supposed to protect the safety and security of a nation and its citizens from external threats. Tragically, we now have a report from the [Indian] Intelligence Bureau that promotes the very foreign interests that are threatening our seed and food sovereignty, the livelihood of our farmers and the health of our citizens.The IB report... blindly promotes genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are the source of genetically modified foods. The report names seven agitations pursuing 'anti-developmental activities.' The 'Anti-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)' activism is ranked third and this section begins with this sentence: 'The pro-GMO debate in India centers round the resounding success of Bt cotton in the last 10 years.'This sounds more like propaganda of the GMO industry than the result of an investigation by an Indian intelligence agency. A later paragraph further reinforces the evidence that the IB was not investigating but transmitting messages from the foreign GMO industry and its lobbyists. In paragraph 35, the report cites Ronald Herring of Cornell University. Herring has systematically attacked Indian farmers, scientists and plant breeders and Cornell University has become a hub of the pro-GMO lobby."
Organic Farming and Holistic Herd Management Are the Solutions for World Hunger and Environmental Sustainability
As Vandana Shiva and other activists keep pointing out, we absolutely must shift our focus to emphasize the biological system as a whole. Unfortunately, farmers and the chemical seed technology in particular tend to see "production" as the goal of farming, when in fact the crucial, pressing need is sustainability so that the entire planet can be functional... If we keep going in our current direction, our crop lands will eventually stop producing anything capable of sustaining health.Soil, for example, is not a static "thing." It's a living symbiotic system, and a voluminous body of research has emerged demonstrating that the microbial balance in soil is critical for growing bountiful, nutritious crops. This is where the real nutrition your plants require is derived from. These organisms take the mineral material that's in your soil and convert it into a plant-available form. Without these bioorganisms, your plants cannot get the nutrients they need.GE plants have been shown to destroy soil microbes—just as they've been shown to destroy gut microbes in both animals and humans. Take the genetically engineered Bt plants, for example. In these plants, a specific genetic material for a single toxin protein has been separated from the bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt) and placed into the genetic material of a plant, such as corn, soybean, and potatoes. There's clear evidence that Bt plant material harms animals. Typically, they end up with severe ulceration, starting in the digestive system.Adding to the problem is the fact that GE plants use more pesticides. Many are designed to withstand otherwise lethal doses ofglyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's broad spectrum herbicide Roundup. These are the so-called Roundup-Ready crops. And guess what? Glyphosate has also been found to kill off soil and gut microbes! As a result, we're seeing a rapid rise in associated health problems. Remember, about 80 percent of your body's immune system resides in your gut, and when pathogenic bacteria are allowed to take over your gut, disease is virtually inevitable.
What Can You Do?
That said, rebuilding functional ecosystems from the ground up WILL restore them to their fullest potential, and this needs to be our overriding focus. Perhaps you can't do anything about how large-scale commercial farms are being run at the moment, but you can make a difference for yourself, for your family and community that might have residual effects. Buying organic, thereby avoiding any and all GE foods is, I believe, a crucial step. This includes buying grass-fed or pastured animal products, such as beef, chicken, milk, and eggs. Besides that, you can also:
- Grow your own organic vegetables. Organic gardening isn't something extra you do – in fact it's quite the opposite. It's what you don't do that makes the difference: no chemicals, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides on your plate! When you take control of what you eat, you'll naturally enjoy better health, ensure and protecting future generations.
- Composting is another way to make what you already have work for you in the future. Save those scraps, from egg shells to coffee filters, and use them to feed your vegetable garden.
When shopping for food, be informed regarding where that food was produced. A guide to help you can be found by clickinghere. If you take advantage of the farm-fresh sustainability that's becoming more prevalent as people take control of what they're consuming, you'll realize many benefits. First, you'll know where the foods you and your family eat come from, ensure optimal nutrition, and protect the health of future generations.
I recently named the GMA “the most evil corporation on the planet,” considering the fact that it consists primarily of pesticide producers and junk food manufacturers who are going to great lengths to violate some of your most basic rights—just to ensure that subsidized, genetically engineered and chemical-dependent, highly processed junk food remains the status quo.The insanity has gone far enough. It’s time to unite and fight back, which is why I encourage you to boycott every single product owned by members of the GMA, including natural and organic brands. To learn more about this boycott, and the traitor brands that are included, please visit TheBoycottList.org. I also encourage you to donate to the Organic Consumers Fund. Your donation will help fight the GMA lawsuit in Vermont, and also help win the GMO labeling ballot initiative in Oregon in November.Voting with your pocketbook, at every meal, matters. It makes a huge difference. By boycotting GMA member Traitor Brands, you can help level the playing field, and help take back control of our food supply. And as always, continue educating yourself about genetically engineered foods, and share what you’ve learned with family and friends.
10 Healing herbs and spices for optimum health
Tuesday, July 01, 2014 by: Sandeep Godiyal
Tags: herbal medicine, spices, optimal health
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045809_herbal_medicine_spices_optimal_health.html#ixzz36GTMrvos
(NaturalNews) Spices are widely used for increased health and well-being. Young adults, the elderly and anyone who is looking to find a healthier way of living can benefit from using spices when they cook meals. Just adding a few tasty spices to a meal is all that it takes. For those who are not likely to cook, or even learn, this information can still be helpful, as they can give suggestions to others in the home who are more likely to cook.
Environmental harm
For anyone who needs a liver, colon, kidney or lymph detoxification for their body, spices are the way to go! The world around us is filled with toxins, pollution and bacteria that are harmful. Everyone needs help in battling the environmental issues which are constantly harming others; especially those who are more sensitive, have illnesses or are aging. And so many people take man-made medications on a daily basis. Why not attempt to balance the unnatural and the natural to obtain optimum health and well-being?Examples of spices and what they can do for the body:
- Turmeric - A powerful antioxidant that should be combined with pepper in order to be most effective. Antioxidants help the body regenerate itself after a toxic overload.
- Nutmeg - This widely used spice comes from the evergreen tree and is used to make eggnog during the holiday season. It can help increase circulation as well as get rid of unhealthy, toxic cells in the body.
- Peppercorn - Anything spicy helps increase the body's metabolism and circulation, including peppercorn. It's also used as a disinfecting agent for minor scrapes and cuts.
- Ginger - Ginger is great for pain as well as digestive problems such as nausea. Nutrients from food are more easily absorbed when ginger is added to the recipe.
- Red Clover - Used for PMS, menopausal problems and cleansing the blood. It has been said to create a feeling of relaxation to promote good sleep.
- Garlic - Garlic is widely used to prevent colds, flu and pneumonia during the winter months, as it's an immune-stimulating agent. Garlic can lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It can be used for much more, so do thorough research if you've been diagnosed with a disease or other illness.
- Rosemary - This spice helps get the blood flowing and stimulates and cleanses the nervous system, which is comprised of the brain and spinal cord and is the most important system in the body.
- Parsley - Parsley assists the body in its natural cleansing process because of its high levels of chlorophyll. Parsley may help with arthritis pain and cardiovascular disease because it contains alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid.
- Thyme - Thyme is a mint that contains calcium, iron and manganese, which work as antiseptic and antibacterial agents. It helps relieve respiratory troubles.
- Cloves - If you have a toothache, be sure to add cloves to your food. This spice can also help with digestion and other pain in the body.
Unexpected results
Many people are striving to reach purity in body, mind and soul and are going to great lengths to get it. Men, women, young adults and the elderly, along with those who are focusing more on natural health, can obtain this purity and strength by adding something as simple as a spice to their recipes.Creative minds have no problem with bending the rules in order to change a recipe -- you never know what you might come up with in the end!
About the author:
Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit.
More articles from Sandeep:
The eight best foods for your heart health
Top inflammatory foods to avoid eating
The top six better substitutes for sugar
Top five ways to get more vitamin D in your diet
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045809_herbal_medicine_spices_optimal_health.html#ixzz36GSzXCc9
Surviving a nuclear catastrophe may soon be easier: Researcher invents formula that blocks radioactive cesium-137 contamination in food and water

Tuesday, July 01, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Cesium Eliminator, Cesium-137, nuclear disasters
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045813_Cesium_Eliminator_Cesium-137_nuclear_disasters.html#ixzz36GOT4qT5
The cesium-capturing efficacy of Cesium Eliminator is laboratory proven to average 95.4% across a broad range of concentrations ranging from 6 to 91 ppm. Cesium Eliminator is designed to be used as an emergency supplement that can be taken with food or water to capture radioactive cesium isotopes and support their natural elimination from the body, preventing them from being absorbed by the body during digestion.*
Cesium Eliminator, Formula 137 is available now in two forms: powder and capsules. Learn more at www.CesiumEliminator.com
Sources for this article include:
(1) http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/c...
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045813_Cesium_Eliminator_Cesium-137_nuclear_disasters.html#ixzz36GOGDVBg
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Cesium Eliminator, Cesium-137, nuclear disasters
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045813_Cesium_Eliminator_Cesium-137_nuclear_disasters.html#ixzz36GOT4qT5
(NaturalNews) An independent food science researcher with a privately-owned atomic spectroscopy laboratory has discovered a dietary formula proven to capture radioactive cesium isotopes in food and water. The formula, called "Cesium Eliminator, Formula 137" has widespread applications for enhancing public safety in the aftermath of nuclear accidents, nuclear terrorism or nuclear war.
Cesium-137 is an extremely dangerous radioactive isotope that quickly contaminates waterways and soils following a nuclear disaster. With a half-life of 30 years, cesium-137 persists for centuries, rendering lands uninhabitable by humans. "Like all radionuclides, exposure to radiation from cesium-137 results in increased risk of cancer," says the EPA. (1)
Cesium Eliminator is laboratory validated via ICP-MS and patent-pending with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. The inventor, Mike Adams, is a food contamination research scientist who documented toxic heavy metals like tungsten, lead and cadmium in popular organic foods and superfoods (http://labs.naturalnews.com).
Adams serves as the executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (www.ConsumerWellness.org) and editor of Natural News. He is also making Cesium Eliminator available at no cost to emergency response organizations concerned about nuclear accidents.
Cesium-137 is an extremely dangerous radioactive isotope that quickly contaminates waterways and soils following a nuclear disaster. With a half-life of 30 years, cesium-137 persists for centuries, rendering lands uninhabitable by humans. "Like all radionuclides, exposure to radiation from cesium-137 results in increased risk of cancer," says the EPA. (1)
Cesium Eliminator is laboratory validated via ICP-MS and patent-pending with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. The inventor, Mike Adams, is a food contamination research scientist who documented toxic heavy metals like tungsten, lead and cadmium in popular organic foods and superfoods (http://labs.naturalnews.com).
Adams serves as the executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (www.ConsumerWellness.org) and editor of Natural News. He is also making Cesium Eliminator available at no cost to emergency response organizations concerned about nuclear accidents.
Scientifically validated to capture cesium isotopes
"Cesium Eliminator is the first scientifically-validated dietary supplement with a proven ability to bind with and capture radioactive cesium isotopes," Adams explained. The product is made from a unique form of zeolites combined with specific ratios of dehydrated seaweed, chlorella, spirulina and grape seed powder, all Generally Recognized As Safe by the FDA and frequently used in dietary supplements.The cesium-capturing efficacy of Cesium Eliminator is laboratory proven to average 95.4% across a broad range of concentrations ranging from 6 to 91 ppm. Cesium Eliminator is designed to be used as an emergency supplement that can be taken with food or water to capture radioactive cesium isotopes and support their natural elimination from the body, preventing them from being absorbed by the body during digestion.*
Cesium Eliminator, Formula 137 is available now in two forms: powder and capsules. Learn more at www.CesiumEliminator.com
Sources for this article include:
(1) http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/c...
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045813_Cesium_Eliminator_Cesium-137_nuclear_disasters.html#ixzz36GOGDVBg
What is MSG? Side effects explained
Tuesday, July 01, 2014 by: Aurora Geib
(NaturalNews) Did you know that a substance added to the foods you may be eating every day has been connected to a multitude of physical ailments, including everything from obesity to Alzheimer's? And here's the worst part: The food industry has been aware of this issue for decades yet uses this substance anyway. The troubling ingredient is monosodium glutamate. Read on to learn more about the hidden poison, commonly known as MSG, which may be lurking in your next meal.
What is MSG?
MSG, a salt form of a non-essential amino acid, is a flavor enhancer and common food additive. While many people exclusively associate MSG with Chinese takeout and salty processed meats, the truth is that MSG is contained in processed foods we eat every day, including salad dressing, barbecue sauce, bouillon cubes and canned soups and vegetables. It's also an additive in many infant formulas and baby and children's foods.In short, MSG tricks the taste buds and brain into thinking that food tastes delicious. An excitotoxin, MSG works by triggering the brain to produce excess quantities of the feel-good drug dopamine. This allows food manufacturers to cut back on quality in order to increase their profits.
Unfortunately, the rush of good feelings caused by MSG doesn't last, but the consequences do. MSG doesn't just hook us by making food taste better. It is actually physically addictive, which keeps consumers coming back again and again. This not only leads to overeating but also wreaks havoc on the body's comprehensive wellness.
Side Effects Explained
We've all heard of MSG headaches and nausea; this is often attributed to "MSG sensitivity." Unfortunately, the problem goes far beyond that.MSG has been linked to weight gain and even obesity by researchers. And it's not just because MSG makes people want to consume more. In fact, groups of participants in one research study were restricted to the same caloric intake and physical activity, yet those who ate foods containing MSG were nearly three times more likely to be overweight than their non-MSG ingesting peers. (1)
Researchers have also connected MSG to liver and kidney damage as well as increased blood pressure. (2) (3) Furthermore, excitotoxins have been linked to brain damage, leading to a host of neurological diseases including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, lupus and many others. (4)
How to Avoid MSG
If you regularly rely on the "No MSG" labels on your food, it's still likely that you are eating foods containing MSG. How? Because the FDA's and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's regulations only require that MSG be disclosed when it's added as a single ingredient. In other words, if MSG is added on its own, it must be listed on food labels. Otherwise, it may be lurking in your food under one of many seemingly innocuous names. The following items are likely to contain MSG (5):- yeast food, autolyzed or hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extract, textured protein (including TVP [textured vegetable protein])
- hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, plant protein extract, hydrolyzed plant protein
- soy protein (concentrate and isolate)
- enzymes
- dough conditioners
- malt (flavoring and extract)
- malted barley
- sodium caseinate
- calcium caseinate
- gelatin
- seasoning, spices
- flavoring of any kind (may be listed as "natural flavors" or "natural flavoring")
- carrageenans
- whey protein concentrate
- hydrolyzed oat flour
- bouillon, stock, broth
One simple way to avoid consuming MSG is to buy whole foods and prepare them yourself. However, this isn't always possible. The best defense against MSG is information. By being vigilant about checking food labels, knowing what to look for and asking the right questions, you can avoid ingesting this known toxin and enjoy a healthier life.
1) http://www.sciencedaily.com
2) http://science.naturalnews.com
3) http://science.naturalnews.com
4) http://undergroundhealthreporter.com
5) http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/045811_MSG_side_effects_excitotoxins.html#ixzz36GMDIMqD
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